May 22, 2011


In trying to socialize, I joined one of those we-will-find-you-nerds-to-date websites.

Most of the men on there are winners (sarcasm). However, I have met a couple of interesting people.

By doing so, I met a gentleman that seemed like just what the doctor ordered. He likes coffee, eating, culture, creative outlets, outdoors, indoors, the full gamut. To say the least, he struck my fancy just fine.

In the throws of emotion, I let on that I might fancy him. MISTAKE! You would think by now, at 32, I would know that you never tell him you like him. It should remain a mystery and a secret.

Positively, as soon as our sorted affair began, it also ended.

I have the uncanny ability to insult people without knowing it and also chase them off when I desire them most. Men who like me, I can not stand. Men who I like, can't stand me.

I need no enemies when I have myself.

I feel sick.

May 2, 2011

Incapable of being avoided or evaded

The inevitable always comes. You can not avoid it; it is incapable to evade.

Being close to one parent and losing the other makes you choose actions that could possibly end in detriment of one's social prospects. I decided that I wanted to live with my mother at 32 years of age. I lost my father to cancer recently but my mother and I are quite close.

Being that my mother is quite religious but I am not, puts certain restraints upon my possible sex life.

Before my mother had even arrived to the state, I connected with an acquaintance and we had one lovely night together. I was given certain queues so I pursued a less exotic venue and he accepted. The next day he recanted and sent this text; "I've been thinking a little more about you today and although I think you're great and I'm sure she is a nice lady, living with your mom is sort of a deal breaker for me. I hope you are not upset with me and we can still be friends..."

UGH! C-blocked by mom even though she was over 400 miles away!

I knew that it would happen eventually, as the inevitable usually does, but before cohabitation? Brutal.

Needless to say, I was quite upset having being given the prospect of regular sex. This individual is quite the desirable mate in my eyes and to be rebuked at such an early stage in our venture was quite a hard pill to swallow.

It always comes, sometimes sooner than later. Disillusionment is never delightful.